Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coordinate post: Mary Magdalene's Therese dress

A new wishlist dress arrived yesterday, so I had fun seeing how I could coordinate it! The dress on its own looks quite bridal, so I was looking for ways to tone that down.

Official photograph (mine came with two detachable ribbons and no rose):

 photo mary_jsk_therese_color_zps63327289.jpg

I kind of wish I had a mannequin for these things, but I've nowhere to put it. My room is full of stuff.

 Attempt I:
 photo P3210049sm_zps29798902.jpg
Dress: Mary Magdalene
Bolero: Innocent World
Bag: Lapalette
Socks: Innocent World
Parasol: Victorian Maiden
Shoes: Clarks

I had the idea of pairing this dress with my black bolero when I first saw it, but I used brown, grey and gold accessories to bring out the warm shade of ivory in the dress. Actually, now that I think about it, this bag was a rather unfortunate choice. I should have picked something also in brown. I'll know what to do when the occasion comes for me to wear this ensemble out.

I've also just sent in an order for a black parasol to BABY, which I think may look much nicer than this cream affair.

Attempt 2:
 photo P3210051sm_zpscd287ddb.jpg
Dress: Mary Magdalene
Bolero: Innocent World
Bag: Lapalette
Socks: Innocent World
Choker: Alice and the Pirates
Shoes: Clarks

I think the Lapalette bag works here! It's a very luxurious coordinate, but I didn't have either red socks OR red shoes (I would love a pair of good red shoes), so I had to settle for using the gold steampunk brogues from the former picture. Going in with that, I decided to pair the whole with lace-fluffy ankle socks for an element of fun, but if I had to wear out something as gorgeous as this I might chicken out of that and settle for a pair of tried-and-tested lace tights. For the full works, I think I might borrow one of my friends' red parasol -- it's printed in gold, and very beautiful.

Attempt 3:
 photo P3210054sm_zps1cf450b0.jpg
Dress: Mary Magdalene
Hat: Axes Femme
everything else offbrand!

I wanted a casual, natural-kei look for this coordinate -- you can't see it, but the lining of the furry hoodie is in a pretty pine-green curlicue print with yellow and red flowers, and the hoodie itself has bear ears on it. That's why I chose two shades of green for this coordinate -- I was thinking of the kind of cool spring day that doesn't exist in Singapore. It looks a bit plain here because I forgot to include necklace and corsages for this coordinate, but ah -- well. I think it would look wonderful worn with a nice braid.

As for the Therese JSK: the colour of this dress is 'saracen white' and it's embossed with this beautiful curlicue print. I love it. Cyanfemme has the same dress in palest pink and I can't wait to twin it with her one day.

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Look at that detail! MM, y u so perfect?

Special thanks to Disfigureddream, who helped me order this dress AND arrange the things for these photographs. 8D

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