Saturday, May 19, 2012

Classic and Wa: progress report

I shouldn't have tempted fate by counting my chickens. Life dropped a ton of bricks on me last Thursday. So all I have this week is a shoddy colour rough that I almost don't want to put up -- I was just slapping on the paint without thinking much, and this is the kind of crap I come up with when I don't think much. Perhaps I'll delete this post later.

Classic and Wa colour rough

Should stop using the same kimono stock  and scan some more. But -- I'm lazy!!

Should also think up names and character sheets for the two young maidens here. I'm very fond of them, but I don't seem to be doing them justice.

The finished version should be much nicer. Maybe next month.

Update: I decided to just go right on and do the real thing. Current progress is
classic and wa 01

(The little blond one looks pretty scary right now. She'll get better, I promise!)

Update 2: And she did.
classic and wa 02
More to come.


  1. Goodness gracious, they are so beautiful! I especially love the movement, the hair of the blonde girl and the bonnet:-)

    1. Sigh hopefully the finished product will look better! Works in progress are always depressing. *_*
