Sunday, February 12, 2012


I was ill last week, so I'm dreadfully behind schedule on my work. But I did do some arty things. Here is part of a sketch I'm planning to paint -- the moment I have time.

classic and wa sketch crop

I created these two characters two years ago -- one straight-haired classic lolita, one curly-haired wa lolita -- and they don't even have names yet. But instead of fading away like decent thought exercises they continued to insist. What shall I do with them??


  1. Beautiful. They are so beautiful. I hope you will finish them and post them some day:-)
    Congrats on your artwork winning the egl contest, It's absolutely lovely. I'm really happy you won, I like your style.

  2. Thank you so much! I'll definitely finish this one (once I finish up my three very late commissions to three separate friends) eventually, so do look out for updates. ;) Knowing there are people who watch my blog really motivates me to produce better work; thank you for watching! ♥
